Friday, November 19, 2010

Some Winter Tips

• Don’t overfeed your dog during the winter. Although dogs are in need of an extra layer during the winter season…make sure it comes from a coat, and not a fat layer. Unless your dog lives outdoors during the winter, he or she often needs no additional calories during the winter chill. Cold temperatures often bring on lazy behaviors and actually the need for LESS calories. Be attentive to your dog’s activity level and adjust his calories accordingly. Always feed your dog a high quality natural dog food to insure a healthy coat and good energy for the cold winter months.

• Keep your dog hydrated. Dogs can dehydrate just as quickly in the winter as summer. Although many dogs eat snow, it is not an adequate substitute for fresh water. If your dog has a water bowl outdoors, check it often and break ice that may form on top.

• Let’s talk temperature! If it is too cold for you to stand at the door without your coat, it is probably too cold for your dog to be out without a coat. Some dog breeds have dense undercoats that help protect them against very cold temperatures…but most dogs should have a coat to help them deal with Jack Frost. If getting your dog a coat makes you think about poodles in pink fur, don’t distress! Coats are not just about fashion; there are many functional, non-couture coats available! Coats will not prevent frostbite on the ears, feet or tail…so don’t keep your dog out too long in freezing temperatures.

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